Friday, July 18, 2008

His highness found his pee pee...

....and mommy can't handle it.

Everytime I change his diaper, his hand flies to his pee pee-at the speed of light. He starts entertaining himself with the item and gets *ahem* aroused. It's too much for a mommy to take. So the other morning I called Tyler in and expressed my concern...

K: He won't stop yanking on it. I think he might yank it off! He only has one! What do we do?

T: He's a boy, that's what guys do. (Leaves the room)

So apparently I have to suck up my anxiety and let my son enjoy this appendange, if only he could do it when I'm NOT in the room. Sigh....


Blogger Kristi said...

that is too funny.....i have absolutely no suggestions.....
ah boys. It starts that early hey??

July 18, 2008 at 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the mom of two girls, I am no help whatsoever in this area. But golly, this made me laugh!

July 19, 2008 at 11:50 PM  

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