Sunday, December 28, 2008

I know, I'm neglectful and technically incompetent

Merry belated Christmas, or whatever festivity you celebrate. I've been absent, as usual. It's been a hectic month. Tyler just headed out again for work, and I have no idea when he is coming back. I'm crossing all appendages that it will all be done by the 3rd week of January. He was home for 4 days and we had a great Christmas, lots of company, lots of food-lots of guilt. A tad bit of shopping for boxing day, including a fantastic new Coach pretty from my dad. Thank you!!!

Most recent mundane information: My laptop shut down one day and refused to turn back on. I say that like the laptop intentionally said, "no, screw you-you use me too much and I refuse to work for you anymore", but really-I think it might have. Seriously. Yeah, ok I'm paranoid. Anyway, I digress...I took it in to Futureshop today and they told me that it's fine but maybe there is something wrong with the battery (?!?!). It has worked since then, but is currently being charged. So, ummm thanks Futureshop for explaining why my laptop REFUSED to turn on for 7 days, that was so helpful.

Now, on to other random thoughts-Tyler got me an iPhone for Christmas. Woooo hoooo, I wanted one but just couldn't do it! Well, acutally he tried to but we have different cell contracts so they wouldn't let him do it. AND-Fido made me order it through their call centre, although they have them available in the city. They said it was because I have a contract. Oooookay, why not extend it then? Yeah, NO, they don't do that. Apparently when you're one of those long term customers who always pays their bill on time you have to wait an extra 10 days for the phone. Make sense to you, yeah-I didn't think so. And to top it all off, the first CSR I spoke to when I called was so far beyond rude that they should make a new category of asshole for him. I asked him what 3G meant becuase, no I am not a teckie. He was so condesending and still couldn't answer. Then I asked him for my store location when HE TOLD ME THAT I HAD TO GO TO THEM TO GET THE DAMN PHONE (actually no I had to call them back, get the drift?), he asked me "why, you don't know where it is (uh no, I wouldn't be asking if I did) ....can't you check a phone book (no asshole I'm illiterate would have been a great response)"? I mentioned that I didn't intend on being on it all day so NO, I DON'T NEED A PLAN THAT COSTS $100/month, for the 20th time(!), because I don't have the actual time to sit on it all day-and then he told me that he didn't even understand why I would get an iPhone then. Ok, so let me get this straight-I call you, offer to buy an expensive product, and commit myself to a 3 year plan, pay every month for 3 years and you criticize my phone selection? I could go on about all the other crappy, completely wrong, information he gave me but I assume I've already lost your attention by now anyway. Suffice it to say that perhaps he should consider some education on CUSTOMER SERVICE. So....once I found out that I had to go through customer service, I called back and spoke to a really nice guy who apologized 652 times, give or take.

So that's my recent life in a nutshell. I'm technically incompetent and completely neglectful of my two fans. Sorry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Catch up!

Let's play some catch up, fact form:
1. I need inspiration to come here, and I don't have much these days-sorry, I'm lame.
2. I've been sick for 2 weeks, flu then a bad cold. Yuck.
3. Tyler is away, training, until mid-Jan. He came home for a day this weekend and will be back for Christmas, but it sucks:(
4. I went back to work full time yesterday. Ask me how much I like that on Friday.
5. Cade is cute. Cade is a terror. Cade is a genius, apparently he behaves like a 3 or 4 year old so daycare is "re-thinking" how to approach him. Ummm, ok?
6. I'm looking forward to Christmas, Cade knows it's coming. He keeps telling me that Santa is coming at "Kisumps". Collective awww please.

How about this? Give me some updates on your lives?