Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cade goes to the country

We tok Cade to the local pumpkin patch yesterday but he was not even remotely interested in the pumpkins. He preferred the dirt, rocks, bale baskets and leaves.

Seattle Freedom Tour 2008

After the LONG delay-here are my Freedom Tour pics. Three days of relative peace, and shopping therapy!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Muffin Mania!

My self-diagnosed OCD is back, in full swing. Ok, it never went away but I think I was in remission. I've taken up baking, I suppose to prove to Tyler that I can do it. I have a slight history of burning baked goods, or undercooking them , or doing both at the same time.

I've recently bought a few different baking cookbooks and one night I was leafing through a rather large one just before bed. BIG mistake. I woke up, at 2:43 am, dreaming about the same muffing, over and over again. A medium sized brown muffin in a pale pink cupcake wrapper. It was like groundhog day, with muffins. I got up and had to sit on the couch for a few minutes to get that damn muffin out of my head. It's a sickness.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

White sneakers and black tights

Do you remember the 80s? The Working Girl look? Black tights, white sneakers and the classy touch-white slouchy socks, all combined with a power suit, preferably in bright red, and massively teased hair? I have no particular reason for blogging about this atrocity, beside the fact that I love it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bye bye summer, hello to my favourite season.

Cade and grandpa or "gipa" as C calls him.

s Sprinker time!
Mom, these don't fit.
How to eat a cucumber, in a box.

I'm so frugal, I deserve a prize.

So remember my post awhile back, about my spending habits? Well I recently saved us about $2000 on furniture. I decided to keep the 5 year old couch that we already have. The living room is about 1/2 done but it already feels completely different. AND-Cade can come in here now, no more screaming at the gate. I can hold this over my husband for at least a few weeks, since my decision came about 4 hours after he told me that I am not budgeting enough. See, I can tell all of you how I plan to use this for weeks to come, because he never reads my blog. SUCKER.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I like myself just fine

I'm back, and apparently on a bipolar upswing, or it could just be that I don't work for another 4 days and it was one of THOSE weeks.

I was telling Tyler how there are bloggers who actually sustain themselves by writing about thier lives and he was all "oh really...well maybe YOU could do that". To which I replied that I didn't have the writing skills or material. His response? "Try harder" .

Thanks babe, how's that for encouragement? Then he told me to "make some shit up".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Have you ever been so grouchy that you can't tolerate yourself? That is EXACTLY how I feel right's sort of like wanting to crawl out of my own skin. Life has been busy (home, work, etc), and we have far too much going on, with far too little now I'm being a grouchy bitch and someone needs to kick me in the ass and tell me to stop complaining...

Ok, so now that I got that out of my systemI thought you'd like to know that some crazy man told me that I made his wife divorce him. I've neer spoken with him, heard of him, or had anything to do with him before. IF I had that power I think I'd be a billionaire and could pay someone to deal with all my extraneous crap. THAT WOULD BE AWSOME! Unfortunately I apparently lack the skill to make her remarry him, but I'm working on it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tag-Cade's it!

Thanks to Kristi for tagging Cade for a new one.

10 things I like about my baby:

1. The way he puts his finger to his lips and says "shhh" when I tell him that daddy is sleeping.
2. How eager he isto say new words, since new ones fly out of his mouth every day. He's our little parrot.
3. The way he wakes up, red cheeked, after a nap and smiles like I just told him that he won the candy lottery.
4. Watching him wave bye bye to daddy and tell me that daddy went to work, every time he can't see daddy:)
5. His kisses and hugs, and even when he tells me that "no" I'm not getting a kiss or a hug.
6. When he askes me "gone?" with his little hands facing upward and his head to the side.
7. When he "talks" on the phone to grandpa. "! boy!".
8. Watching him dance to every song he hears, bouncing around, spinning until he falls over laughing.
9. His passion for adventure, he has to touch everything, try everything, and question everything.
10. His determination, he never gives up.

I'll refrain from tagging, but feel free to do one of your own!